A client recently brought in negatives from the 40s and 50s. We made contact sheets in the darkroom for the client so they could see the family members throughout the years.
Antique Pendant Restoration
We recently restored & made copies of this beautiful antique pendant. The delicate necklace was only about an inch around and held a photograph of the clients father. We were able to enlarge it to a 3x3 (seen on left) and made small copies as well.
Steps of a Photo Restoration
We see a lot of vintage photos here at Panopticon Imaging. They range from wedding portraits to family photos throughout the years to military portraits, the list goes on! Here are the steps we go through for a photo restoration: STEP 1: Bring in your old photograph to the office. We will review the image with you & give you an estimate of how much & how long it will be to digitally restore. We DO NOT restore the original photograph. We scan it and digitally correct the image through Photoshop.
STEP 2: We scan your image. Using our high resolution Epson scanner, we create a digital copy from the original photograph.
STEP 3: We make adjustments in Photoshop. Here we fix cracks & damage to the image. This takes time and each photograph is different, it can take as little as 5 minutes or as much as 3 hours. We also adjust the contrast of the image, making faces lighter or certain areas darker. We can adjust the tone and make it black & white, sepia, or brown tone. The sepia is our most popular option, it makes the image still feel like an old photograph.
STEP 4: Time to print! We use all archival inks and papers here. This means your new print will last as long as it is treated properly (keeping it away from moisture & direct sunlight). When we meet with you we will tell you the sizes we recommend printing. Most vintage photographs are small to start with so they look the best staying in the 5x7 to 8x10 size.
These were the adjustments made to this image:
Whatever happened to your photograph, we are happy to help bring it back to life! Stop by the office or give us a call at 781-740-1300.
3 Generations of Brides
Artist Spotlight: Peter Angelo Simon
"Dawn Run" 1974
Peter Angelo Simon is a documentary and fine art photographer living in New York City. His subjects have included the creation of New York’s Big Apple Circus, artists at work, South India, and the legendary Muhammad Ali. Peter’s intimate photographs of Ali at his Pennsylvania training camp have been published worldwide, most recently in Muhammad Ali Fighter’s Heaven 1974 by Reel Art Press (April 2016). A solo exhibition at Serena Morton II Gallery in London runs April 8 to May 28, 2016. We have had the pleasure to work with Peter to digitize his negatives and make traditional silver gelatin prints of the iconic American boxer.
"Welcoming the Champ" 1974
- How did the Muhammad Ali project start? How long did you photograph him for, was it a weekend or a few weeks or even months?
PS: New Times magazine wanted photographs for a story they were planning on Muhammad Ali’s preparation for the upcoming World Heavyweight Boxing Championship fight in Zaire, Africa. It was Ali’s chance to regain the title that had been stripped from him when he refused the draft at the height of the Vietnam war. His opponent was the brutal, undefeated George Foreman. I spent two days in Ali’s “Fighter’s Heaven” training camp
"At Camp Entrance" 1974
- What kind of camera(s) & lenses were you using? If you could go back in time would you use the same equipment or would you bring digital technology along with you?
PS: I used my 35mm Nikon film camera with 35mm and 18mm lenses. I now work with a Nikon digital camera and occasionally a small digital Sony camera.
"Sitting on Logs" 1974
- How did photographing Muhammad Ali impact you as a photographer?
PS: It was an extraordinary experience. It confirmed the value of approaching a subject with a sense of observation and discovery. I had no preconceived notion of Muhammad Ali, just my desire to capture the feeling of being there and the reality of how he spent his time preparing himself physically and mentally for the fight. It’s best to let a subject be themselves.
"In Ring" 1974
- Can you tell us a little about your time studying with Harold Feinstein? How did he influence your photography?
PS: I was writing documentary films for television when I took a workshop with Harold. Harold’s prints and his passion for photography inflamed my latent visual nature. In time it contributed to a shift in my brain from verbal (left hemisphere) dominance to visual (right hemisphere) dominance.
"Letting the Sweat Out" 1974
- Congratulations on your upcoming exhibition at Serena Morton Gallery in London! How did the show come to be?
PS: The exhibition grew out of the decision by Reel Art Press to publish my photographs of Muhammad Ali’s Fighter’s Heaven in one of their elegant photography books.
"Dancing in the Ring" 1974
- Reel Art Press is a company known for showing rare, unpublished and unusual work. Tell us about your experience working on publishing such an extensive project.
PS: I could not have asked for more responsive people to consider my work than Tony Nourmand, David Hill and Serena Morton. They brought fresh eyes and a passion for real documentary photography to the images and responded in a way that others can experience them.
"Ali with Family" 1974
Summer time!
Wedding Restorations
This holiday season was very busy for us at the office. We got in so many photo restorations and started to notice a trend. As always they are sentimental images but this year was the year of the beautiful brides! We received so many we couldn't share all of them so we included a few of our favorites!
Family Restorations
Vintage Performer Digital Restoration
Digital Photo Restoration
We are always up for a challenge when it comes to our restorations. We recently had a client come in with a request to repair one of the few images they had from the Vietnam War. We were able to digitally remove all of the cracks and improve the overall color. The client was very happy that were able to bring so much life back to his treasured image.
This photograph was over 100 years old and was badly damaged by years of creasing and cracking. The emulsion was totally removed in many areas. Our determined Digital Techs went to work to remove all of the damage and even had to re-create a portion of the seated woman's face. It was no easy task but the image looks beautiful and the client was beyond impressed.
We enjoy restoring and bringing these images back from years of dust and dirt. Not only we do get to share in the history of these images but we bring new life to them for a new generation to enjoy.
Stop by Panopticon Imaging or give us a call at 781-740-1300.